Dogū, meaning “clay figurines” in Japanese, are small humanoid clay figures, typically ranging from 7cm to 14cm in size. They date back to the Jomon period, which spanned from around 14,000 BC to 400 BC, and was characterized by hunter-gatherer societies in the Japanese archipelago. The purpose behind the creation of dogū remains a mystery, with several theories proposed. One theory suggests that they served as sacred figures representing gods or even extraterrestrial beings. Another theory suggests that they were votive offerings intended to ensure fertility, not only for humans but also for nature. A third theory suggests that dogū may have been toys or works of art. The condition in which they were found, as well as their location, have been used by archaeologists to investigate their meaning. Many dogū figurines have been discovered in a broken state, but archaeologists have not reached a consensus on whether they were intentionally broken. These unanswered questions contribute to the figurines’ fascinating and otherworldly allure.

In a recent workshop, called the Dogū workshop, the goal was to delve deeper into Japanese art and create our own mysterious figurines with specific intentions in mind. I, Shija’Nohea, served as the facilitator of the workshop, which consisted of students from Saigon Star International School who were studying Japanese art at the time. The workshop took place in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and lasted approximately three hours. Please enjoy the artworks created by the talented 12-13-year-old students, myself, and their teacher, Mr. Stephen.


Students from Saigon Star Internationa school, Year 8 /2020

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